“Palm Valley Community Charity Receives Major Donation of Lauter Pianos”
The Palm Valley Community Charity, a 501c3 corporation, has recently received 25 Lauter, full-size Upright Pianos, from an anonymous donor living in the Palm Valley area.
Historically, the Lauter Piano Company of Newark, New Jersey was founded by S.D. Lauter in 1862 and enjoyed a distinguished history as a well-known piano company in the early years of the industry. The company built very high quality pianos and player pianos from 1862 through 1966. The Lauter Company produced Lauter, Lauter-Humana, Llewellyn and Lenox brand pianos and player pianos for over a century.
Interestingly, The Lauter Concert Grand Piano was the instrument of choice for recording at the Thomas A. Edison, Inc. studios. Edison took pride in his piano records. Although Edison released relatively few piano discs, some that were released were very important. Sergei Rachmaninoff’s first records were made for Edison using the Lauter Piano, as were those of the prominent French pianist E. Robert Schmitz.
In recent years, the donor negotiated the rights to the Lauter Company and began to sell Lauter pianos once again. Like most pianos, the new Lauter brand piano is being made in China today. Industry experts indicate that only 3 companies are still making pianos in the United States and less than 2,000 pianos were manufactured in the USA last year.
On Saturday, December 5th from 4pm – 8pm and December 6th, from 2pm – 6pm the
Palm Valley Community Charity, Inc. is having a drop-in which is open to the public to personally allow individuals to experience the Lauter, full size Upright Piano.
EVENT LOCATION: 148 Canal Boulevard (next to the Palm Valley Fire Station)
The Charity commissioned an appraisal which has been completed by a Certified Piano Technician (CPT). Those attending will have an opportunity to purchase one of the limited number of pianos received by the Palm Valley Community Charity at a price $1500 less than the appraised value. The price will include dealer prep, tuning, a piano bench and delivery to the customer’s home (within 20 miles).
To evaluate the quality and fit for one’s intended use, they should come hear a demonstration of the instrument and talk to a “third party,” Certified Piano Technician, a professional familiar with the product. A “CPT” will be on-site for the December 5th and 6th demonstration and sale to answer questions from the public.
For more information, please call: Mike Wicks (407) 230-0813