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” The Resort Lifestyle Project can – and will – negatively impact our community forever. Unless we oppose it.” 

A three-story, 1,200 ft., 124-bed independent living facility is being proposed for the corner of Palm Valley Road and Landrum Lane on 8.32 acres. To give you an idea of the scale of this massive development, it’s actually larger than a cruise ship!

As we all know, this is already a congested area within the vicinity of two schools, the YMCA, the Senior Center and several neighborhoods. The sheer mass of this project will significantly alter the look and feel of Palm Valley, and negatively affect roadway safety and property values.

The developer requires the following six variances to enable them to fit this huge facility on the current land parcel:

  • Building Height – Code allows 35 ft., developer requests variance for 48 ft.
  • Building Length – Code allows 120 ft., developer requests variance for 1,200 ft.
  • Gross Floor Area – Code allows 10,000 sq.ft./acre, developer requests 19,000 sq. ft./acre
  • Number of Stories – Current code does not stipulate number of stories, the developer requests variance to abide by a two-story structure that has a requirement of 50 ft., even though they are building a three-story structure.
  • Accessory Use – Code does not allow for accessory structures or use to be closer to the roadway than the main structure. Developer is seeking variance to locate parking garages and parking lots closer to Landrum Lane.
  • Required Separation – A minimum distance of eight feet shall be provided between any building and its parking area. Developer is seeking a non-zoning variance to allow for a porte cochere.

Variances can only be granted if there is a true hardship, which in this case does not exist. This is a sophisticated developer who has the resources to be aware of the local zoning and whose primary motive is to maximize the profit potential of their development.


There is one chance to stop this action. We must let the St. John’s County Commission know these variances should not be allowed and we care enough about our community and neighborhood to stand up for it. We (the taxpayers) have to follow the rules, why shouldn’t the developer?

Send a quick email before Friday, December 11 to the St. Johns County Commission with a personal note about how you oppose the Resort Lifestyles project. The following link provides an email to all five of the County Commissioners. CLICK HERE to email the County Commissioners

Come to the meeting and personally communicate your concerns. This development is scheduled for review and a final vote on Tuesday, December 15, at 9:00 a.m., at the County Administration Auditorium, 500 San Sebastian View, St Augustine, FL. 32084 COUNTY COMPLEX MAP

See the links below for additional details and documents related to this project:

Stand Up For Palm Valley One Pager (Please share!)

PZA Hearing Detail

NBR Overlay district revisions Resort Lifestyles

NBR Zoning Variances Resort Lifestyles

St. Johns County Complex Map